Thursday, 9 September 2010

A new dawn breaks

Well folks this is it! This is my toe now dipped into the waters of deep it goes and where it goes who knows. That's what I find so exciting about life - because there is always more to life than this - I mean more than just what we have right now. Take today for example. Here i am embarking on something new...something I've thought about for some time but.......well....I never took the risk or tried it out. I know a lot about blogging and even know people who blogg. I read widely on the subject and it facinates me. The potential, the buzz and excitement of comunicating with folk across the globe. A whole new world opening up to me. You see, we can never really know what something is like until we try it out. We can know something about it second-hand from someone else, we can even know a lot about it - BUT! - until we try it for ourseves it just remains a theory or something we can only observe from a distance thereby missing out on the possibility of there being more to life than this!
I suppose the whole of today is going to be like that. I've a service to take this lunchtime at Cathcart Trinity Church in Glasgow where I am a minister...oh I've taken many of these but every one is different because I just don't know what God is going to do there today...He's surprised me so often in the past and He'll do the same today...and I'm excited!
Tonight I'm in  a Football Quiz Team at a charity event in aid of The Princess Royal Trust for Carers and I'm going to meet lots of folk I've never met before. I believe that football legend Alan Rough of Partick thistle and Real Radio fame is going to be there. I'm representing a team from another important charity Revive MS Support and who knows - we might win!!! Revive do a great work and we host one of their outreach clinics in our church every Friday. They too have many fundraising events planned as can be seen from their web site. Do you think that there could be more to life if we took advantage of the opportunities that present themselves to us every day? I'd like to hear your opinions so be like me - get blogging!
It's a great privilege to share my first blogg with you all - welcome to moretolifethanthis.


  1. Hi Iain. And congratulations on your new blog! It's great and so easy once you get started. I know just how you feel, having just started our blag recently. It's sacary to begin with. this thing that everyone else knows about and you feel stupid even asking what is is and how do you do it.

    I guess that's also a message to us. Don't let the fear of the new and unknow paaralyse us and hold us back from progress. Keep up the good work. I bet we are not the only ones to have felt this way about blogging. Pleas let us know if you felt the same and how blogging can change your life.


  2. Iain
    Good to meet you the other day and I look forward to seeing you again tonight, it looks as if you may be the team to beat!.

    Congratulations getting the blog set up, I look forward to following your posts in the future.



  3. Hi Iain

    Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging.

    I look forward to seeing it develop and what you make of it.

    Will you posting some golf highlights as well?!!

    If you need any help let me know. You never know I might actually be able to help you!


  4. Hi Iain,
    I have put you in my favorites. good first blogg I must admit I am a blogg reader not a blogg writer. I look forward to reading you blogg on a regular basis.

